The Next Big Things for AI and B2B Sales

July 17, 2024

The Next Big Things for AI and B2B Sales 

Emerging Trends and Innovations Shaping the Future of AI in B2B Sales

AI has already transformed B2B sales, but it is poised to do even more in the coming months and years. According to a report by McKinsey, companies that leverage AI in their sales processes are already seeing an ROI uplift of 10-20% and a revenue increase of up to 15%. As AI-driven technologies continue to evolve, it’s clear we’re only scratching the surface of what’s possible.  Here are several key emerging trends that promise to further transform the way B2B businesses approach sales. 

1.  Enhanced Sales Operation Platforms with AI Integration

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems and specialized sales operation platforms will soon be defined by their degree of AI integration.  The greater the integration, the more advanced features, and capabilities they will have to differentiate themselves. AI analysis of sales data will supply deeper insights into customer interactions, preferences, and sales performance. These insights will help sales teams further understand customer needs better and find opportunities for growth.

AI-enhanced systems will also continue to automate more routine tasks, such as data entry and follow-up reminders, ensuring that sales teams can focus on more strategic activities. Additionally, AI-driven real-time suggestions and insights during sales interactions will continue to improve as technologies gather more data to analyze, helping representatives tailor their pitches and improve their chances of success.

For example, soon technologies will let salespeople (or their clients) send RFPs directly to a platform, which will then use AI to automatically parse the RFP and create a proposal that will be accurate, strategic, and ready to send back to the client. This process takes hours today, but in the future, it will be nearly instantaneous. 

AI-driven features like hyper-personalized customer experiences, sales forecasting, lead scoring, and proposal creation will be core to CRMs. These elements, along with predictive analytics and enhanced systems, will also be integral to specialized sales platforms.

Those that do not embrace AI and make it central to their solutions will fall behind as businesses seek out those that do, aiming to gain a competitive edge and drive growth and success in the increasingly dynamic B2B sales landscape. 

2. AI-Powered Sales Forecasting

Accurate sales forecasting has always been essential for any B2B company, and AI is now elevating this accuracy to new heights. Traditional forecasting methods often rely on historical data and human intuition, which can be prone to errors and biases. AI, however, can process and analyze vast datasets from various sources in real-time, supplying more accurate and actionable forecasts.

AI-powered sales forecasting tools will use machine learning algorithms to identify patterns and trends that humans might overlook. These tools will consider factors such as market conditions, economic indicators, and competitor actions to predict future sales with unprecedented accuracy. This will enable sales teams to make more informed decisions, allocate resources more effectively, and adapt their strategies proactively.

In addition to actual forecasting, AI can now be used to process existing data in order to help the seller see what tactics and strategies work best for different types of customers. If there’s one thing that we all know machines do better than humans, it’s looking for patterns across vast amounts of data. Companies will no longer need large sales enablement and analytics teams, and this will take a lot of the guesswork out of selling for the salesperson and thus free them up for more important work.

In general, predictive analytics powered by AI will become a cornerstone of B2B sales strategies. These advanced analytics tools will analyze historical data and identify patterns to predict future customer behavior and trends. Sales teams will be able to anticipate customer needs, preferences, and buying cycles, allowing them to tailor their approaches and offers accordingly.

This proactive approach will enable sales teams to engage customers at the right time with the right solutions, significantly increasing the chances of closing deals. Predictive analytics will also help identify potential risks and opportunities, enabling businesses to make data-driven strategic decisions and stay ahead of the competition.

3. Intelligent Lead Scoring and Qualification

AI will revolutionize lead scoring and qualification processes in B2B sales in the coming months. Traditional methods of lead scoring, which often involve manual data entry and subjective judgment, will soon be replaced by AI-driven systems that automatically evaluate and rank leads based on a wide range of criteria.

These AI systems will analyze data points such as engagement levels, website interactions, social media activity, and demographic information to assign scores to leads. Additionally, they will use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze communications and identify key indicators of lead quality. By automating this process, sales teams can prioritize high-quality leads more efficiently, ensuring that their efforts are focused on the most promising prospects.

4. Virtual Sales Assistants

The rise of virtual sales assistants powered by AI is set to further transform B2B sales operations. They are already prevalent in some form or another at various points in the sales cycle.  These intelligent assistants handle a variety of tasks, from answering routine customer inquiries to scheduling meetings and providing real-time sales insights. By automating administrative tasks, virtual sales assistants free up valuable time for sales representatives, allowing them to focus on building relationships and closing deals.

However, over the coming months and years, virtual sales assistants are poised to exponentially improve, becoming increasingly indistinguishable from human assistants as they continuously learn and adapt through machine learning. They will become more adept at understanding customer needs, finding upsell and cross-sell opportunities, and providing personalized recommendations. This advancement will enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of sales teams, leading to increased productivity and higher conversion rates.

Virtual sales assistants will also be increasingly integrated into various sales operation platforms. This integration will help sellers compose emails and provide rationale as to why they are pitching certain products and corresponding budgets.  This level of integration will ensure that sales representatives are always equipped with the most relevant information, making their pitches more compelling and tailored to the specific needs of each customer.

5.Hyper-Personalized Customer Experiences

AI will also drive a new era of hyper-personalization in B2B sales. Leveraging vast amounts of data, AI algorithms will enable sales teams to deliver highly tailored experiences to each potential client. These algorithms will analyze customer behavior, preferences, and purchasing history to provide personalized product recommendations, custom content, and tailored communication strategies.

For instance, advanced AI systems will predict which products or services a particular client is most likely to need based on their industry’s trends and past interactions. This level of personalization not only enhances customer satisfaction but also significantly increases the chances of closing deals and fostering long-term client relationships.

AI has already reshaped B2B sales with impressive returns and there are many transformative innovations still on the horizon. Despite some challenges like data quality issues and technical complexities, the benefits of AI in sales far outweighs any concerns. Indeed, best-in-class platforms are already embracing the potential of AI and actively developing solutions across these fronts. 

As these technologies consistently evolve, it’s clear that we are only at the beginning of their full potential.  With continued advancements, more data, and more learnings, B2B businesses stand to gain unprecedented insights, efficiency, and competitive advantage in sales thanks to AI.


Ed Kozek is the Chief Product Officer at Advisr.   He has been a product and technology leader in ad tech for over a decade. Prior to Advisr, Ed was at NBCUniversal, where he worked on its pitch-to-pay sales systems and its data and reporting platform. Before that, Ed led product at The Weather Company, co-founded Ghostery as CTO, and managed the engineering and product teams at Right Media (later acquired by Yahoo). Ed lives in Long Beach, NY, with his wife and two children.

Originally posted by StreetFightMag.